The Womanizer Duo is a multitasker designed to obtain all your acne on time was. It offers two kinds of stimulation in favor of folks who covet to engage in their cake* and swallow it, too.** And you can even say it’s a new version of the rabbit vibrator with individual noteworthy difference. It switches exposed the standard clitoral vibrator in favor of suction using Womanizer’s signature Pleasure Air Technology.


Yet, I’m all the time skeptical of toys to purport to accomplish two things on time was, especially after it’s a single toy with multiple functions. Sheer biology can prevent it from being flourishing for the reason that folks engage in various sizes and shapes. So, I geared up in favor of this Womanizer Duo check, eager to obtain exposed if this toy would alter ego the pleasure and alter ego the fun.

* clitoral orgasm

** G blemish orgasm

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The Womanizer Duo: A Double Date in Sex Toy Form
Womanizer Duo is a gender toy claiming it can pat its head (provide clitoral stimulation) and rub its abdomen (provide G blemish stimulation with its vibrating arm) on the same era. Even as a being with multiple limbs and a complicated brain, this is a multiplex undertaking. But aid up its assertions is a massive following of Duo fans.

Having used other Womanizer plans in the over and done, I already know they are not solitary the innovative purveyor of clit-suction toys, but they are well-made and luxurious. They ought to be, as the Duo outlay $219 and certainly qualifies as a luxury toy.

Their Pleasure Air Technology introduced clitoral sucking to many thankful clitoris-havers across the globe. And if you read my check of the Womanizer Premium, you know I think their clitoral suction plans more than serve on their promises.

But wearisome something different is all the time a roll of the dice. Would the Womanizer Duo be like New Coke (widely panned by all who tried it) or more like Wrigley’s Gum, a vast convalescence in excess of the primary Wrigley concern endeavor: Wrigley’s Baking Powder?

Find exposed as I embark on my Womanizer Duo check.

The packagingDesign and Features of the Womanizer Duo
Womanizer Duo skin on a glance:

Material: Medical grade silicone
Size: 3.5 inches x 8.0 inches x 2.3 inches
Color: Blueberry, raspberry, black-gold, or Bordeaux-gold
Mechanism: G-spot vibe and clitoral stimulation
Weight: 890 grams
The Womanizer Duo packaging looks elegant. It comes in a strenuous box—much like the Womanizer Premium—with a tug tab to help you wide open it.

Inside the packaging is the #IMasturbate concern tag, so right now I engage in two. With at all providence, someday I’ll engage in sufficient to distribute them the subsequently era I attend a ceremonial dinner bash.

A small box inside the bigger box contains the USB charging cable and an added, larger-sized hypodermic or stimulator head, as the lessons physical refers to it. It’s needed to engage in two sizes for the reason that it’s not quite unachievable to produce everything one-size-fits-all.

Acknowledging differently sized bodies is an inclusive entity, and I think Womanizer may perhaps halt to be a little crumb more inclusive on the full. So, to was a finicky impress.

Inside the packaging was a finicky soft storeroom bag, which was wholly stretchy and without doubt fit the Duo. I welcome storeroom bags for the reason that the alternative is having a chaos of vibrators flopping around in your nightstand, and a percentage of unlike adult toy resources don’t fool around very well in sync. For occasion, you ought to on no account deposit gender toys made from porous and non-porous resources in sync. But, to be clearer, you ought to on no account acquire porous gender toys for the reason that they are giant harbingers of bacteria to love nothing more than to assign you a year-round mildew infection.

The device with the content of the boxMaterial
This toy is made of body-safe silicone and is waterproof. It’s spot on in favor of bath- and shower-time solo fool around!

This toy clocks in in shape around eight inches long. So, it’s more of a checked bag than a carry-on state if you design to travel with this not-very-travel-sized toy.

Womanizer DuoBody
The body is super soft and elegant, archetypal of the Womanizer brand. And I’m open to be straightforward: If not you run with a percentage of scientists, you may perhaps probably fool around this rotten as your night-time microscope, ought to someone ensue to realize it on your nightstand. You know, in favor of middle-of-the-night science. Something all but it has a lab aesthetic to me, but that’s probably for the reason that I’m not a scientist.

Battery and Charging
The user physical believed this toy is USB rechargeable and provides up to four hours of fun. After plugging in the charging cord, this toy lasted 3 hours and 48 minutes on the primary setting. Just like the Premium, the physical believed the toy would take 2 hours to charge. Trendy realism, it took 2 hours and ten minutes, a crumb longer than the user physical declared.

With mainly gender toys, it’s pretty simple to tell after they’re charging, but not so on the Womanizer Duo. To realize if the Duo is plugged in rightly, you requisite stare into the abyss—or on slightest look into the suction opening to realize a very faint white flashing light.

Another cool appear: This toy switches rotten taking into account ten minutes of neglect. Trendy an ideal the human race, all toy would engage in this tech for the reason that occasionally you not recall to good turn the toy rotten in the orgasm after effects. That way, you won’t be disappointed by a inactive battery subsequently era you grab your Duo.

The outcome charging with the user manualControls
There are so many buttons on this toy you might feel like you’re live Minecraft. This toy has buttons to can accomplish basically everything excluding reduce spam from your email inbox.

First rotten, there’s a power button on the back of the Womanizer Duo. Then, on the front of the Duo, the top and in shape buttons snowball and decrease the clitoral stimulation. The absent and base buttons snowball and decrease the G blemish vibrator. Underneath folks four controls is an extra little button, which is the pattern button. This is what did you say? You press to revolutionize up the rhythm and test with unlike vibration patterns.

Though present are several buttons, I love the capacity to control the suction and the vibration one by one. Some folks are precise in unlike chairs, and the separate controls will help this toy effect in favor of a wider range of folks.

Closeup of the control buttonsWarranty and Support
All Womanizer products befall with a 5-year warranty, which is a long era in sex-toy years.

The user physical recommends using a gender toy cleaner in favor of the Duo. You can besides clean it with soap and temperate stream. The significant entity is to remove the head and wash to one by one so to you can obtain into the crevices. Then, permit both parts air dry.

The tip
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How It Works—and How to Use the Smart Silence
After you’ve used the USB charging cable to charge up the Womanizer Duo, grab nearly water-based lube, increase it around, and press the power button on the back of the device. If you covet to be further assertive the device is on, look on the clitoral stimulation head and realize if the white light is on. If it is, you’re in concern.

Even though your Duo is on, nothing will activate until you place it on your skin. This is the Womanizer Smart Silence machinery. It will consequentially good turn rotten if you remove the toy, making it more discreet than mainly other toys on the souk.

However, this besides makes it a little crumb confusing if not you’ve utterly read the physical ahead of getting in progress. When you good turn it on, you engage in to produce surely you’re not sad the clitoral stimulator, or the silencing appear can obtain a little crumb puzzled.

Next, you place in the globular extremity to stimulates the G-spot. After you’ve got the G spot-arm in a benefit blemish, place the clitoral stimulator around your clit. If it doesn’t feel comfortable, try the other size head.

Once everything is in attitude, you can fool around around with the intensities. The Duo defaults to the lowest setting, and all era you ratchet up the levels (or down), the LED light flashes. When you obtain to the highest setting of vibration or suction, the light will refusal longer update. There are 12 intensity levels in favor of both the G blemish vibes and clit stimulation, giving you many unlike paths concerning orgasm.

When you’re finished, you can set in motion the power button to good turn it rotten.

A wet Womanizer Duo false on a sinkMy Experience with the Womanizer Duo
When I primary tried the Duo stimulator, it took me a jiffy to obtain the G-spot arm positioned rightly. This happens habitually, even though I tried exposed many unlike clit plans. So, if it happens to you, completely contrive it a crumb until the Duo moving parts accurately. The in-house arm ought to fit comfortably while the outer portion still reaches your clit.

Even though the Duo isn’t as flexible as the Lelo Enigma, I felt like the Duo fit me better. The head reached my clit with no at all inconvenience, so I think the structure worked well in favor of my body. However, this is completely the judgment of individual person. If you engage in more breathing space flanked by your clit and your G-spot on your body, you can engage in more inconvenience getting the head to access.

I appreciated to the vibration and suction both in progress on the drop extremity of the intensity spectrum. Too much pleasure, and a precise clitoris like mine will be overwhelmed more accurately than delighted. Overall, I felt like Womanizer Duo had a benefit range of sensations to help even the pickiest clit engage in multiple orgasms with no at all inconvenience and certainly with no getting sore.

The deep sensations are more rumbly than buzzy, which is a plus in favor of anybody who can’t obtain sufficient rumble. The suction was so pleasant to I didn’t fail to notice the feeling of vibration on my clit, either.

I’ve on no account been a titanic fan of vibration patterns since I need a be aware of of reliability to engage in orgasms. However, I tried the vibration rhythms, and they were fun to fool around around with, even if they didn’t be in front to climax. People who covet to mix things up will welcome the options more than I did.

Since the user physical believed you may perhaps conduct this simply by last your thighs, I tried to as well. And to my take aback, it worked. So, depending on your body structure, this can be a semi-hands-free toy, though you won’t be able to move around very much.

Here’s something attention-grabbing all but the Smart Silence tech: It doesn’t quite effect undersea. At slightest, it didn’t for the period of my seek in favor of this Womanizer Duo check. Since the stream is sad the device on all period, it on no account turns rotten, even if it’s refusal longer sad my skin.

This state didn’t pose a setback in favor of me, but if you’re someone primarily interested in how discreet this toy is, keep in mind to it is a smaller amount sneaky in wet scenarios. But it was still fun in the tub, and the sounds of vibration weren’t simple to hear time was I had it rightly in place.

Working with six buttons on individual toy was undeniably a different experience in favor of me. I took a mental picture of everyplace the buttons were and what did you say? They controlled ahead of getting into the bath, and at that time I had to check a combine of period to produce surely I was burning the in shape ones. If you don’t like uneasy buttons, this may perhaps undeniably take nearly era to adapt to.

And, if you feel like your toy is acting funny in favor of nearly incentive, the likelihood are you completely need to good turn rotten the silencing machinery so the buttons effect as you set in motion them more accurately than time was your skin is sad the device. Toys like this take a while to individual exposed, but it’s worth it after the bribe is as high as the intense orgasms the Duo delivers.

If you covet to realize how the outcome is like physically, or how it is used, please check exposed our unpacking and check prйcis capture on film less than:

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Review Summary
Stimulation 4.7 exposed of 5 stars
Suction 4.6 exposed of 5 stars
Cleanup 4.5 exposed of 5 stars
Price 4 exposed of 5 stars
Overall Rating 4.5 exposed of 5 stars
Overall, this toy is kind of the Aston Martin of dual stimulation toys. Chances are, if you engage in a G-spot and clit, you will fall in love with this entity.

You can independently run the vibration and suction functions
Rumbly sensations
Relatively silence
Kind of intense to individual exposed the buttons and silence tech
Who Should Try the Womanizer Duo
If you know you like both in-house and outer stimulation on time was, this toy allows you to manipulate the two sensations independently. It’s not quite guaranteed to please folks who love in-house sensations and clitoris suction.

Who Can Skip It
If you’re different to dual stimulation, you might covet to start on the drop extremity of the estimate spectrum ahead of open all-in on something you can not love. If you choose your stimulation separate, this toy probably isn’t worth the splurge either.

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How Duo Stacks Up Against Other Womanizer Sex Toys
Most of the Womanizer outcome offerings focus on suction. However, the Inside Out is comparable to the Duo, but it’s solitary $149, a crumb a smaller amount than the Duo. The battery life is a crumb a smaller amount, too, so you can solitary fool around with the Inside Out in favor of two hours compared to the Duo’s four. The Womanizer Inside Out solitary comes in individual color: Black. And the Inside Out doesn’t befall with the Smart Silence function, so it’s a crumb a smaller amount discreet. Plus, the Inside Out solitary has the option in favor of constant vibration, but the Duo has unlike patterns in favor of you to indicate from.

However, if you covet to save a little money, you can engage in mainly of the skin in favor of a little crumb a smaller amount with the Inside Out.

Compared to the Womanizer Premium, the Duo offers several more options. The Womanizer Premium solitary offers clit suction with refusal in-house stimulation. But they engage in the same tech to turns the device rotten after not in manipulation, and they are both waterproof toys.

Alternatives to the Womanizer Duo That Provide Both Clitoral Stimulation and G Spot Vibes
The Lelo Enigma is an extra dual stimulation toy to retails in favor of $189. Duo’s biggest gain is you can control the levels of clit and G blemish intensity one by one. This customizability can produce in favor of a bespoke sexual experience, unlike many others. Trendy my humble judgment, I think the Enigma is to some extent prettier, but that’s entirely subjective. The Duo besides has more intensity levels and Smart Silence. Other than to, these two toys are very parallel: Both are well-packaged, well-made, befall with a storeroom bag, will directly happen to most excellent associates with your clit, and produce superb gifts.

Rabbit vibrators would besides be somewhat comparable (so check exposed our register of the most excellent!), but you’ll trade clit suction in favor of clitoral vibration. The pressure waves produce it pretty simple to engage in multiple orgasms for the reason that it’s much harder to happen to overstimulated. But if you love vibration and suction equally, many rabbit vibrators offer cheaper options in favor of dual stimulation.

Where to Buy Your Womanizer Duo
Ready to acquire? You can pick up your Duo on the Womanizer situate!

Thanks in favor of comprehension my Womanizer Duo check.


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